Swiss Table

sku: Schweizer Tafel

Product details

Reduce Food Waste – Fighting Poverty

Schweizer Tafel serves as a vital link between surplus and scarcity, working tirelessly to address both food waste and poverty.

Every day, dedicated volunteers, people from work integration programs, and individuals doing community or civilian service, collect around 30 tons of perfectly good surplus food from retailers across the country. This bounty is then distributed free of charge to over 500 social institutions, ensuring that those in need have access to nutritious meals.

Schweizer Tafel focuses primarily on supporting non-profit organizations, including those that directly process food or distribute it to their clients.

Every donation to Schweizer Tafel goes a long way. With each franc contributed, Schweizer Tafel can rescue products that provide multiple meals. Beyond addressing hunger, this effort also contributes to climate protection by reducing food waste, conserving resources, and lowering CO2 emissions. Donating to Schweizer Tafel is a meaningful investment in both humanitarian and environmental causes.

For more Information, please visit

You help with your donation!

* A donation can be made from 1,000 points and upwards.
* Place blocks of 1,000 points into the basket until you have reached the amount you desire to donate.
* For every 1,000 points, CHF 4 will be donated to Swiss Table.
* pointup credits Swiss Table once a year with a cash amount corresponding to the points received by pointup members.